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Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) is a structurally altered form of testosterone. The Undecylenate ester allows for a peak release in Boldenone approximately 3-4 days after injection, with a slow continuous release of the hormone to follow for approximately 21 days.

The effects of Equipoise are straightforward. This is a generally well-tolerated anabolic steroid that presents notable anabolic activity in most users in a clean and even fashion.

As an off-season bulking steroid, Equipoise can add quality lean mass gains If appetite suppression is an issue, this steroid may very well help you consume the excess calories needed for off-season growth.

Equipoise is also well-noted for promoting increases in strength. An increase in strength can be very beneficial to an off-season mass plan, but perhaps more beneficial to the enhancement of athletic performance.

Equipoise can also be used as a cutting steroid; in fact, this may be the most beneficial point of use. This anabolic steroid is an excellent protectant of lean muscle mass and held in high regard by some of the best bodybuilders in the world.

Lion Labs Equiposie, another quality correctly dosed product from Lion lab.

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